Graduate Career-Ready

Experiential hands-on learning is a primary focus of the College of Business and Technology. Students gain knowledge in the classroom and experience in the field. CBT offers three divisions of expertise: BusinessCyber Systems, and Industrial Technology. Each division offers a unique opportunity for our students to experience our high-touch, high-impact, high-engagement mission, keeping you connected to the experiences and networks that will lead to a career of your choice.

Plus, out-of-state students pay in-state tuition with the New Nebraskan Scholarship.

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bet36365体育’s Own Cassidy Aycock Has Plans to Make the World a Better Place

bet36365体育’s Own Cassidy Aycock Has Plans to Make the World a Better Place

bet36365体育 senior Cassidy Aycock’s passion for helping others stems from her strong work ethic and upbringing on her family’s ranch. With a business administration major and diverse internship experiences, she aspires to make a difference—whether as a financial planner, 4-H educator, or nonprofit leader. Her goal? To change lives, one person at a time.


Our faculty and staff believe in the importance of internships, which provide students with applied learning experiences and opportunities to network with knowledgeable professionals.

a student speaks with booth attendant at a career and internship fair

The College at a Glance

  • $45,000+Salaries for 70% of CBT grads
  • 205Graduates from CBT in 2022-23
  • 92%Placement Rate for CBT Graduates

Data is based on 181 responses (88% Response Rate) from the 2022-23 CBT Placement Stats.